“No Ivory No Tiger Amulets” Campaign reaches amulet consumers in Bangkok
Since June 1, twenty tuktuks with ads carrying the message “Can Tiger Fangs and Ivory Protect You? Don’t Buy, Don’t Use Products Made from Ivory and Tiger” have been driving routes around Tha Prachan, a popular area well-known for the amulet trade in Bangkok.
These ads, which will circulate for the entire month of June, are part of USAID Wildlife Asia’s “No Ivory, No Tiger Amulets” campaign which aims to deter amulet buyers in Thailand from making purchases. The ads are expected to reach almost two million people over the next month. So What? Consumer beliefs in the power of ivory and tiger to bring good luck and prevent harm are powerful drivers for using products derived from these two species in Thailand. Consumers driven by these beliefs constitute an important niche market among the general population and need to be reached in locations that they frequent.