Legal and Policy Materials
The Supreme Court of Thailand was the key Thai government counterpart for USAID Wildlife Asia, and activities strengthened the Green Benches program, improving court rules of procedures and introducing sentencing guidelines for wildlife crimes. USAID Reducing Demand for Wildlife was supported by the U.S. International Conservation Caucus Foundation and the Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Law. The Activity engaged with the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly and champion parliamentarians in Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand, and Vietnam to improve respective legal and policy frameworks, share legal and policy innovations and good practices, and harmonize penalties for wildlife crimes.
Regional Counter Wildlife Trafficking Partner Coordination Meeting Report
The Regional Counter Wildlife Trafficking Partner Coordination Meeting took place on January 12, 2023. Outcomes included a plan for the year ahead that ...
ASEAN Handbook on Legal Cooperation to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade 2021
The ASEAN Handbook on Legal Cooperation to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade 2021 provides key updates to the original version, which was first launched in 2016. ...
Political Economy Assessment: Regional Cooperation in Counter Wildlife Trafficking in Southeast Asia - Summary
This Political Economy Assessment (PEA) investigates evidence of progress, stasis, or decline in formal and informal efforts to enhance regional cooperation on ...
One Health Landscape Assessment
This One Health Landscape Assessment seeks to clarify ASEAN priorities and mechanisms to reduce zoonotic spillover through a One Health approach and identify ...
Counter Wildlife Trafficking Partnership Forum Proceedings
The Regional Counter Wildlife Trafficking Partnership Forum was a virtual event co-hosted by the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, ...
Asia-Pacific Judicial Symposium on Best Practices in Environmental Courts and Adjudication
The Asia-Pacific Judicial Symposium on Best Practices in Environmental Courts and Adjudication brought together over 120 judges and selected environmental law ...
Thailand Judicial Training Institute Course for Judges - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia, in partnership with Thailand’s Judicial Training Institute (JTI) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) developed an ...
Thailand Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act 2019 - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia supported and contributed to the passing of the landmark legislation, Thailand’s national Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act (WARPA) ...
Law and Policy Activities and Impacts - At A Glance
Uneven laws and policies have created loopholes that wildlife traffickers have exploited, profiting from a $20 billion annual industry with minimal penalty. ...
USAID Wildlife Asia Legacy Resources and Tools - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia is a five-year (2016-2021), US$24.5 million, regional counter wildlife trafficking (CWT) initiative addressing the illegal trade in ...
USAID Wildlife Asia Program Summary - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia, with its network of partners, has worked to eliminate, neutralize, and disrupt transnational wildlife trafficking by strengthening the ...
USAID RDMA History of Combating Wildlife Trafficking
USAID has been working to counter the illegal wildlife trade since 2006. Wildlife trafficking is a lucrative international crime perpetrated by organized ...
USAID Wildlife Asia Counter Wildlife Trafficking Digest: Southeast Asia and China, 2019
USAID Wildlife Asia and TRAFFIC regularly collect and update documentation on the current state of wildlife trafficking of these species through a compilation ...
Handbook on Wildlife Conservation Policy
This Handbook is an outcome of the High Level Dialogue that the National Assembly of Vietnam conducted in partnership with USAID Wildlife Asia on July 26, 2019 ...
Scaling Efforts to Counter-Wildlife Trafficking Through Legislative Reforms - A Selection of Best Practices, Key Innovations and Model Provisions
This monograph provides a short description and highlights key provisions of a selection of legislative and policy innovations and best practices available in ...
USAID Wildlife Asia Counter Wildlife Trafficking Digest, Issue II, March 2019
USAID Wildlife Asia regularly updates documentation of the current state of wildlife trafficking of these species through a compilation of secondary ...
USAID Wildlife Asia Counter Wildlife Trafficking Digest: Southeast Asia and China
USAID Wildlife Asia aims to document and understand the current state of wildlife trafficking in Southeast Asia and China through the compilation of secondary ...
Executive Summary: Africa-Asia Pacific Symposium on Strengthening Legal Frameworks to Combat Wildlife Crime
The Africa Asia-Pacific Symposium on Strengthening Legal Frameworks to Combat Wildlife Crime (Symposium) was convened by the United Nations Inter-Agency Task ...
Full Report: Africa-Asia Pacific Symposium on Strengthening Legal Frameworks to Combat Wildlife Crime
The Africa Asia-Pacific Symposium on Strengthening Legal Frameworks to Combat Wildlife Crime (Symposium) was convened by the United Nations Inter-Agency Task ...