CHI Initiative
The Chi Initiative Phase III, funded by USAID Wildlife Asia, was launched in August 2018, with two Chi III PSAs developed, and pretested to address the new and emerging uses of rhino horn – status and medicinal – which were reported in 2018 USAID’s consumer research on the consumption of illegal wildlife products in Vietnam.TRAFFIC originally developed the Chi Initiative using key findings from a comprehensive consumer research in 2014, which identified wealthy Vietnamese businessmen between the ages of 35 and 55 year as a key rhino horn user group. The overarching message of Chi drove the concept that success, masculinity, and good fortune come from an individual’s strength of character and not from the use of rhino horn and other illegal wildlife products. The initiative used behavioral science to encourage Vietnamese businessmen to demonstrate their Chi (strength) by becoming leaders in corporate social responsibility and in wildlife protection.

Success, masculinity, and good fortune come from an individual’s Chi or inner strength.
CHI III Campaign Key Visuals
CHI III Initiative Campaign Video (Full Version)
USAID Wildlife Asia recently launched a new video public service announcement for the Chi III Initiative, a social and behavior change communication (SBCC) ...
CHI Campaign Accomplishments Video
The Chi Initiative is a social marketing program designed to encourage Vietnamese businessmen, a key user group, to reject rhino horn and lead a shift in ...
Chi Initiative Phase III Campaign Report
The Chi Initiative was designed to change status-seeking consumption behaviors among the target audience of Vietnamese businessmen. The campaign focused on ...
USAID Shares Findings from Review of Nine Highly Effective Demand Reduction Campaigns
On October 27, 2022, USAID Reducing Demand for Wildlife (RDW) hosted a one-hour webinar on the Review of USAID Wildlife Asia Social and Behavior Change ...