Asia-Pacific Judicial Symposium on Best Practices in Environmental Courts and Adjudication
- Asia-Pacific Judicial Symposium on Best Practices in Environmental Courts and Adjudication
- 2021-06-17T09:00:00+07:00
- 2021-06-18T16:30:00+07:00
- USAID Wildlife Asia, the Office of the President of the Supreme Court (OPSC), the Supreme Court of Thailand (SCT), and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) with assistance from Asian Research Institute for Environmental Law will hold the Asia-Pacific Judicial Symposium through a virtual event June 17-18, 2021.
- What Law and Policy Confirmed
- When Jun 17, 2021 09:00 AM to Jun 18, 2021 04:30 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
- Contact Name Sallie Yang
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The Symposium will center around a series of focused sessions with presentations by subject matter experts discussing best practices on environmental courts and adjudication, including models for establishing environmental courts, the International Framework for Court Excellence, environment court rules, practice notes, case management procedures, and sentencing for environment crimes. There will also be panel discussions, breakout discussions, and question and answer sessions. Presenters and panelists will include Supreme Court justices from Hawaii (U.S.), New South Wales (Australia), Thailand, India, Pakistan, China, Philippines, and environmental law experts from the U.S. Department of Justice, INTERPOL, UNODC, ADB, UNEP, and international environmental organizations.