Experts' Dialogue and Review Seminar: Introductory Course on Environmental Law and Governance (Online)
The Thailand Judicial Training Institute (JTI) in collaboration with USAID Wildlife Asia and United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP ROAP) have jointly developed a judicial curriculum entitled “Introductory Course on Environmental Law and Governance” for the Thai judiciary. The curriculum will be hosted on UNEP’s InforMEA online platform and will be an institutionalized course of JTI. The curriculum’s primary language is Thai, but an English version of the course has also been developed.
- Experts' Dialogue and Review Seminar: Introductory Course on Environmental Law and Governance (Online)
- 2021-04-19T06:00:00+07:00
- 2021-04-20T17:00:00+07:00
- The Thailand Judicial Training Institute (JTI) in collaboration with USAID Wildlife Asia and United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP ROAP) have jointly developed a judicial curriculum entitled “Introductory Course on Environmental Law and Governance” for the Thai judiciary. The curriculum will be hosted on UNEP’s InforMEA online platform and will be an institutionalized course of JTI. The curriculum’s primary language is Thai, but an English version of the course has also been developed.
- What Upcoming Events
- When Apr 19, 2021 06:00 AM to Apr 20, 2021 05:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
- Where Online
- Contact Name
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As part of the roll-out of this curriculum, we are organizing an Experts’ Dialogue and Review Seminar on April 19-20, 2021. Thai judges nominated by JTI, academics from Thai universities, and other Thai environmental law experts will attend so that they can be introduced to the syllabus of the judicial curriculum and provide feedback. This seminar will also include a discussion and training on the various methods and formats in which the online Judicial Curriculum can be organized and taught at JTI. To add value to the training, the second day will be devoted to an Experts’ Dialogue session, with a panel of experts sharing their experiences in building judicial capacity in environmental law.