Maritime Stakeholders' Workshop on CWT
USAID Wildlife Asia and its partners--the Royal Thai Customs, United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime, TRAFFIC and WWF--are holding a Maritime Stakeholders' Workshop on “Countering wildlife trafficking and other illicit trade through Thai seaports and maritime supply chains”. This meeting will convene representatives from government agencies such as Thai Customs, Port Authority of Thailand, DNP, FD, NED and the shipping and freight sectors to identify wildlife trafficking enablers and vulnerabilities in the port/supply chain systems and operations, and the responses needed to counter them. The workshop will provide the foundation for follow up activities partly supported by specific initiatives and partly driven by public and private sector enterprises. This event is one of a series of Port/Maritime Stakeholder Workshops targeting key countries whose maritime trade chains are known to be exploited by wildlife traffickers.
- Maritime Stakeholders' Workshop on CWT
- 2021-03-09T08:30:00+07:00
- 2021-03-10T16:30:00+07:00
- USAID Wildlife Asia and its partners--the Royal Thai Customs, United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime, TRAFFIC and WWF--are holding a Maritime Stakeholders' Workshop on “Countering wildlife trafficking and other illicit trade through Thai seaports and maritime supply chains”. This meeting will convene representatives from government agencies such as Thai Customs, Port Authority of Thailand, DNP, FD, NED and the shipping and freight sectors to identify wildlife trafficking enablers and vulnerabilities in the port/supply chain systems and operations, and the responses needed to counter them. The workshop will provide the foundation for follow up activities partly supported by specific initiatives and partly driven by public and private sector enterprises. This event is one of a series of Port/Maritime Stakeholder Workshops targeting key countries whose maritime trade chains are known to be exploited by wildlife traffickers.
- What Highlights Confirmed Events
- When Mar 09, 2021 08:30 AM to Mar 10, 2021 04:30 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
- Where Bangkok, Thailand
- Contact Name Sallie Yang
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