Reducing Consumer Demand for Elephant Ivory and Tiger Parts and Products: Results from USAID Wildlife Asia (Webinar)
In this webinar, USAID Wildlife Asia will share results from social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaigns to reduce consumer demand in Thailand driven by spiritual beliefs, especially for ivory and tiger amulets. Each part of the SBCC planning process will be highlighted and results from the recent rapid consumer survey will be shared.
- Reducing Consumer Demand for Elephant Ivory and Tiger Parts and Products: Results from USAID Wildlife Asia (Webinar)
- 2020-12-09T09:00:00+07:00
- 2020-12-09T10:00:00+07:00
- In this webinar, USAID Wildlife Asia will share results from social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaigns to reduce consumer demand in Thailand driven by spiritual beliefs, especially for ivory and tiger amulets. Each part of the SBCC planning process will be highlighted and results from the recent rapid consumer survey will be shared.
- When Dec 09, 2020 from 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
- Contact Name Eleanora de Guzman
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Please register using one of the links below for your time zone (we will present the webinar twice for both Asian and USA/Europe/Africa friendly time zones).
2) 9am Dec. 9, Washington, DC.
In case you weren't able to join us on October 22nd, here is the here is the webinar recording from the Bijak Reducing Demand for Songbirds Campaign in Indonesia.
We look forward to you joining us in December for more results on reducing consumer demand for wildlife!