Virtual (Zoom) Launch of USAID Wildlife Asia's 2019 CWT Digest
USAID Wildlife Asia, in collaboration with TRAFFIC, the wildlife monitoring network, is organizing the launch of the 2019 Counter Wildlife Trafficking (CWT) Digest Report. The report is a systematic compilation and analysis of open-source information and captures the status, trends and changes in patterns of the illegal wildlife trade.
- Virtual (Zoom) Launch of USAID Wildlife Asia's 2019 CWT Digest
- 2020-09-03T15:00:00+07:00
- 2020-09-03T16:00:00+07:00
- USAID Wildlife Asia, in collaboration with TRAFFIC, the wildlife monitoring network, is organizing the launch of the 2019 Counter Wildlife Trafficking (CWT) Digest Report. The report is a systematic compilation and analysis of open-source information and captures the status, trends and changes in patterns of the illegal wildlife trade.
- When Sep 03, 2020 from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
- Where Bangkok, Thailand
- Contact Name Sulma Warne
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The 2019 CWT Digest Report provides an evidence base resource and reference document for a broader range of CWT stakeholders including the private sector, journalists, students, academics and other interested parties.