Virtual Launch of Counter Wildlife Trafficking Digest Issue IV, 2020
- Virtual Launch of Counter Wildlife Trafficking Digest Issue IV, 2020
- 2021-05-21T09:30:00+07:00
- 2021-05-21T10:30:00+07:00
- USAID Wildlife Asia, in collaboration with Monitor Conservation Research Society, is organizing the launch of the 2020 Counter Wildlife Trafficking (CWT) Digest Report. The report is a systematic compilation and analysis of open-source information and captures the status, trends, and changes in patterns of the illegal wildlife trade.
- What Confirmed
- When May 21, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
- Where Online
- Contact Name Sulma Warne
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The Digest aims to provide an evidence base to support decision-making about priority interventions in policy, law enforcement, and consumer-demand reduction, and how to strengthen collaborative approaches to counter wildlife trafficking. USAID Wildlife Asia has released three previous Digest reports: one for 2017 (Digest 2017), one for 2018 (Digest 2018), and one for 2019 (Digest 2019). This is the fourth report in the series, which covers 2020 and was developed in partnership with Monitor Conservation Research Society.
We will be presenting the main findings of the report, and highlighting the lessons learned, recommendations, and next steps. We will also be hearing from Giovanni Broussard from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on the “Impacts of Covid on wildlife trafficking”.
Download the agenda and the event flyer with Zoom link.